Wynn in Doubt by Emily Hemmer

Wynn Jeffries has wanderlust. Unfortunately, her life stalled somewhere between graduating from college and slinging drinks at the local dive bar. Stuck in a one-room apartment with no career, no boyfriend, no…life, she dreams of something more. Something amazing. Something like Oliver Reeves, her high school crush, who’s back in town and reminding Wynn of the way she used to be.

When a forgotten news clipping falls out of a book belonging to Wynn’s grandmother, a well-kept family secret is finally revealed. Is Wynn’s gypsy spirit the result of an overactive imagination, or did she inherit it from a woman so determined to live a big life, she gave up everything to have it?

Together, Wynn and Oliver attempt to put together the missing pieces of her family’s past and unravel the mystery behind her great-grandmother’s disappearance. But after so much time succumbing to fear and regret, can Wynn ditch her safe, routine life for the chance at an extraordinary future?

Revised edition: This edition of Wynn in Doubt includes editorial revisions.

   Reading the blurb I knew that Wynn in Doubt would be an intriguing story and after reading the forward in the very first pages, I knew that it would be something special. With every page turned Emily Hemmer only introduced more captivating brilliance. The book starts off with a popular and thought provoking concept; If the story of the past did not go as remembered, how different would the lives have been of the people who lived it. From there readers are drawn into the first chapters where Wynn, a woman who is not content with her own journey and wishes for more adventure, is introduced.

   Wynn has always had dreams of travelling and experiencing the world, to work in a career that would not only involve that, but her other passions as well. Unfortunately though, due to different circumstances over the years, her dreams had been shelved to a place that seems just out of reach. It is only when she discovers a mysterious secret from her families past, about her great grandmother Lola, and is reacquainted with an old fellow school pupil who encourages her to go after more, that her craving for adventure can no longer go unanswered. So with her once high school crush, Oliver, and a small clue that could lead her to discovering the truth behind one of her families biggest secrets, Wynn sets out on a path that will forever change everything.

   It was so easy to empathise with Wynn, her hesitation to chase after what she wanted in fear of letting those down around her, was something I'm sure many could relate to. The thoughts and feelings she was cascaded with, in making certain decisions, were poignant and often held a tight grasp upon my own heart. I teared up when she struggled and couldn't help but smile when she found more of who she was, Wynn's story wasn't just about looking for the truth she set out to find, it was also about self discovery.

   The other characters of the story played a part in Wynn's road to her finding her strength and the woman she could, would be. It was so heartwarming to see how each of them was able to remind her of what she had wanted out of life and to help her chase after it. Oliver's character was absolutely gorgeous, he showed Wynn, that sometimes it is ok to put your own aspirations first. To not let the fear of disappointing others consume and control how you live. Lola's adventures showed her those things too, as well as so much more. The moments where readers see what became of Lola had me feeling so many different things including anger, understanding, hope and heartbreak.

   This story was so much of Wynn's, though not just her own, each of the characters had memorable and important parts to play in showing readers all the different aspects of adventure and living life to its fullest. Wynn in Doubt had me looking at my own life and seeing things in a different light, all the things that are possible if one follows their heart. It is an absolutely beautifully touching read.

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