Amber to Ashes (torn Hearts #1) by Gail McHugh

I have loved Gail McHugh's previous books and I was excited to hear that Amber To Ashes is what she's been working on.
I delved into this book, not knowing what to expect, except I'd been told by a friend 'It's so wrong and so good all at once'. I now know what that friend meant. Wow! Just Wow!!!!
The story of Amber, Brock and Ryder is a love triangle like no other. I loved both men at the start and I was curious to see who Amber would be with, but soon, Ryder became my absolute favourite. All 3 characters have had a troubled life and Gail has written this story from all 3 characters pov's which I loved. I felt I was inside each of their heads, knowing what they were thinking and planning with every chapter. Gail's writing is brilliant, with every scene bringing me closer to these 3 and their intriguing, sometimes horrific and tragic story. I felt a roller coaster of emotions while reading this book, and those sex scenes! This woman can write a sex scene like no other! One sex scene in particular will be talked about for a very long time, I'm sure. There was no skimming through the pages thats for sure
I had the inkling that it would be a cliffhanger because it is book #1 in the Torn series, and wow, what a cliffhanger it was. I hope the next book in this series is soon to be released, because that ending!!!! I am desperate to know what comes next.
Gail McHugh has remained one of my favourite authors after reading Amber To Ashes and I will be watching closely to see when part 2 in the Torn series will be released.

Please don't leave us waiting too long, Gail.

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